All you need to know about Professional Tax — Simpliance


If you ever take a look at your payslips you will notice that there is a small deduction mentioned along with all the HRA, conveyance and basic salary break ups. This deduction is generally to the tune of INR 200 or so and is called the professional tax. This tax is generally different for each state and in certain place you may notice that there is no deduction made under this heading. So the question is, what is professional tax?

What is Professional Tax?

The respective state governments in India levy the professional tax on income from profession or employment. The professionals earning an income from salary or other practices such as a lawyer, teacher, doctor, chartered accountant, etc. are required to pay professional tax. In case of salaried and wage earners, the professional tax is liable to be deducted by the employer from the salary/wages and the same is to be deposited to the state government. In case of other class of individuals, this tax is liable to be paid by the employee himself. The tax calculation and amount collected may vary from one state to another, but it has a maximum limit of INR 2500/- per year.

Professional Tax Registration and Returns

Professional Tax Registration is mandatory within 30 days of employing staff in a business or, in the case of professionals, 30 days from the start of the practice. Professional tax needs to be deducted from the salary or wages paid amount. Application for the Registration Certificate should be made to the assesse’s state tax department within 30 days of employing staff for his business. If the assesse’s has more than one place of work, then application should be made separately to each authority with respect to the place of work under the jurisdiction of that authority.

If an employer has employed more than 20 employees, he is required to make the payment within 15 days from the end of the month. However, if an employer has less than 20 employees, he is required to pay quarterly (i.e. by the 15th of next month from the end of the quarter).


There are exemptions provided for certain individuals to pay Professional Tax under the Professional Tax Rules.

The following individuals are exempted to pay Professional Tax:

  • Parents of children with permanent disability or mental disability.
  • Members of the forces as defined in the Army Act, 1950, the Air Force Act, 1950 and the Navy Act, 1957 including members of auxiliary forces or reservists, serving in the state.
  • Badli workers in the textile industry.
  • An individual suffering from a permanent physical disability (including blindness).
  • Women exclusively engaged as agent under the Mahila Pradhan Kshetriya Bachat Yojana or Director of Small Savings.
  • Parents or guardians of individuals suffering from mental disability.
  • Individuals, above 65 years of age.

Check out the Professional Tax Applicable States Across India


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